
2021-04-03 17:57:45单机游戏媛媛



1. 打里世界(Boss Dogma)上层时出现了四场父母的对话

Dad: I spent it, it's gone, just get over it!


Mom: What do you mean"color:#337FE5;">2. 结局21 (Boss The Witness)

Mom: Isaac, what are you drawing?



Mom: Isaac, let me see it.



Mom: Give it to me now!



Mom: This is what you think of me? This is what I am to you? A monster?


Isaac: No, no, mama, it's just...


Mom: After all I've done for you, this is how you view me? You think I am a monster? Isaac, I'll show you a monster! You are just like your father, I can't even look at you. How could you! You are just like him!


3. 结局FINAL (Boss Dogma)

And suddenly, the sky above cracked open, and a white beam of light reached down into the earth, smiting the mother of harlots sunder, and setting the blood lake to aborn.

突然,天空分裂开来,一束光芒照向地面,割碎了Harlots之母(Whore of Babylon),血流成河。(我裂开来)

As the beast descended down to the lake of fire, Isaac ascended towards the crack in the sky. And as he flew he could see echoes of his past before him. He saw his mother mourning the loss of his son. He saw his father leaving them without turning to say goodbye. He saw his mother sleeping and his father taking money from her purse. He heard the late night fights they had that kept him up at night, and the guilt he felt for what he believed he was causing. He felt the pain in his stomach during those sleepless nights and saw his shadow in the closet waiting for him.


As he rose, he felt his fears drop from his body. His shame, his worry, pulled from his being. As he became lighter, his ascend became faster. He saw his one true companion alive and well. He saw his mother and father together again, holding each other. He felt his mother kissing him on the head after he had said his prayers. And the comfort in knowing someone was watching over him. He saw his own birth and the faces of his parents filled with joy and optimism. And then he saw nothing.


Dad: Are you sure this is how you want the story to end, Isaac? You're the one writing it, it doesn't have to end this way. Here, how about we tell it a different way? Maybe a happy ending?


Isaac: OK, daddy.


Dad: Good. Are you getting sleepy yet?


Isaac: yeah~


Dad: OK, so, Isaac and his parents lived in a small house on the town way..


