
2021-08-04 13:29:32单机游戏媛媛




战锤:力量 Strength

大斧:力量 Strength

弓:敏捷 Dexterity

火杖:智慧 Intelligence

生命法杖:专注 Focus

冰手套:智慧 Intelligence


剑:力量&敏捷 Strength & Dexterity

剑杆:敏捷&智慧 Dexterity & Intelligence

小斧:主要:力量&敏捷 Strength & Dexterity

矛:主要:力量&敏捷 Strength & Dexterity (建议敏捷)

步枪:主要:敏捷&智慧 Dexterity & Intelligence


·50: +15% damage to melee weapon light attacks, +10% mining speed


·100: +20% damage to melee weapon heavy attacks, +20 encumbrance

+20%近战武器重型攻击伤害,+20 累赘

·150: +50% stamina damage from melee weapon light and heavy attacks, -10% decrease in weight of mined items

+50%近战武器轻、重攻击的耐力伤害,采矿物品重量减少 10%

·200: +20% damage on stunned, slowed, or rooted enemies, +10% mining speed


·250: Stamina regeneration continues while performing light and heavy attacks with melee weapons,+10% yield increase when mining


·300: Light and heavy attacks with melee weapons gain Grit, 25% chance to fully mine an ore node with a single swing

用近战武器进行轻、重攻击将获得勇气,有 25%的几率完全一次性开采一个矿点


·50: +10% chance to critical hit, +10 skinning speed

+10%暴击几率,+10 剥皮速度

·100: +5% piercing damage, +20% haste for 3 seconds after skinning

+5%穿刺伤害,+20%加速,剥皮后持续 3 秒

·150: Dodging cost 10 less stamina, -10% decrease in weight of skinned items

闪避消耗少 10 点耐力,被剥皮后物品的重量减少-10%

·200: +20% bonus backstab and headshot damage, +10% skinning speed

+20%奖励背刺和爆头伤害,+ 10%剥皮速度

·250: +30% bonus critical hit damage on stunned, slowed, or rooted enemies, +10% yield increase when skinning

对晕眩、减速或捆绑的敌人的暴击伤害加成 ,剥皮时+10%的产量增加

·300: Ammo has +15% chance of being returned, guaranteed critical hit after a dodge roll



·50: +10% damage to light and heavy magic attacks, +10% harvest speed


·100: +20% critical hit damage, 5% chance to gain 1 azoth when harvesting

+20%的暴击伤害,收割时有 5%的机会获得 1 个蓝药水(注:快速旅行,制作材料加成的材料)

·150: +20% to elemental damage, -10% decrease in weight of harvested items

+20%的元素伤害,收获物品的重量减少 10%

·200: +10 mana after a dodge, +10% harvest speed

闪避后+10 法力值,+10%收割速度

·250: +30% duration to damage of time spells, +10% yield increase when harvesting


·300: +30% damage on first hit on full health target, -10% reduction in Azoth travel cost

对满血目标的第一次攻击造成的 30%伤害,-10%的蓝水瓶快速旅行的成本


·50: +10% mana regeneration rate, +10% fishing line tension


·100: +20 to mana pool, +10% yield increase when salvaging

+20 的法力值,打捞时+10%产量增加

·150: +20% healing output, -10% decrease in weight of fishing items

+ 20%治疗输出,渔业项目重量减少 10%

·200: +20% duration on casted buffs, +10% fishing line tension


·250: +30 mana on any self or group kill, +10% increase to caught fish size

个人击杀或者团队击杀+30 法力值,捕获的鱼的大小增加 10%

·300: When mana hits zero gain 200% mana regen for 10s (60s cooldown), 10% cooldown reduction for Inn fast travel

当魔法值为 0 时,获得 200%的魔法回复时间 10 秒(60 秒冷却时间),快速旅行减少 10%的冷却时间


·50: All health consumables +20% stronger, +10% logging speed

所有生命消耗品增加 20%强度,+10 砍伐速度

·100: Increase max health by 10% of physical armor, 10% reduction on durability loss for tools

增加 10%物理护甲的最大生命值,减少 10%的工具耐久度消耗

·150: 20% reduction to crit damage taken, 10% decrease in weight of logging items

减少 20%的暴击伤害,减少 10%的木材重量

·200: +20% increase to armor, +10% logging speed


·250: 80% damage reduction when full health, +10% yield increase when logging

满血时减少 80%伤害,增加 10%的木材产量

·300: +30% duration of stun, slow, and root spells, 25% chance to chop down a tree in a single swing

+30%的眩晕,减速,魔法咒语持续时间,有 25%的几率一次砍倒一棵树
